We are Women Tribe.
Women Tribe is a collection of 10,000 cosmical women NFTs that were created to help women and all people embrace their inner divinity and power. I’d like to share a bit of background with you about myself, Izzy (the artist and founder of Women Tribe), and my inspiration for Women Tribe:
My name is Izzy, and I’m a 22 year-old artist from Portugal. I’ve been a music producer for seven years, and an artist for as long as I can remember. My biggest dream is to make a positive change in the world (even if it’s small) with the Women Tribe collection.
Back in late 2019, I had the worst time of my life. Everything that could’ve gone wrong, did. I found out I had to go under medical intervention due to a problem in my heart (SVT) and I couldn’t work for over a year because my heart would literally go from 80 bpms to 250bpms in one second. It was a horrible time of my life and I was terrified. In July 2020, I got the intervention and my heart was treated. I still couldn’t work for 3 more months. During this year, I developed serious anxiety and panic attacks (something I still go through nowadays). I used to be such an independent person. I could go anywhere in the world by myself and, suddenly, I couldn’t even get on the bus.
There was nothing I could do, so I started learning about crypto and, even as a newbie, I made some money with it. So, I was happy. From there, I found out about the NFT community and instantly fell in love with it. It was an unknown world to me but a very exciting one. I watched tons of YouTube videos and went to hundreds of Twitter Spaces. Finally, I decided I wanted to be a part of this. That’s how I created Women Tribe, a project dedicated to Women around the world.
My main inspiration for creating Women Tribe was today’s world and its inequality regarding men and women. As a woman, I have experienced things throughout life that made me realize how everything was still a man’s world (I love men, don’t get me wrong!) but, in my opinion, it wasn’t a man’s world, but a man’s era. I see what is happening around the globe and how the inequality between men and women is still present. We are in 2021, not the 1950s. Both genders can do pretty much everything that the other one can, so both should be treated equally and be afforded equal opportunities. Women Tribe is inspired by and dedicated to women around the world.
One of our roadmap items, the annual scholarship fund, is a key way we aim to give back to women around the world. The biggest game changer for someone who comes from a background without a lot of money is education. Every oppressive system throughout history has barred or outright banned education (and in some cases, specifically banned women from studying and reading). That cannot and will not be permitted to continue to happen in the future and, hopefully, before I’m gone, I’ll be able to look back and realize I helped to make that happen.
Our mint is upcoming in early 2022 (date to be announced on Friday, Jan. 7!) and we’ll be using this Medium blog as a forum to keep our community up-to-date on how things are progressing, as well as sharing more of my thoughts on how we’re making decisions.
Please join our discord to be aboard on this journey and follow us on Twitter to help spread the world about our project and mission:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WomenTribe_nfts
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/womentribe.eth