Why 0.04 ETH Mint?
Many projects now are minting with prices in the range of 0.08 ETH to 0.10 ETH, with some as high as 0.25 ETH. We put a lot of thought into our mint price and we want to share with you why we ultimately chose a price of 0.04 ETH.
One word: Accessibility.
At Women Tribe, we’re building a community that we want to be accessible and inclusive for all. To be perfectly candid, a price point of 0.08 ETH is simply not feasible for many people around the world. People are generating extreme wealth in NFTs right now, but there are many people excluded from these opportunities due to cost-prohibitive pricing, which creates a self-perpetuating cycle of “wealthy” people getting wealthier.
In 2020, out of 67 countries around the world, 45 countries (out of the 67 with reported data) have an average monthly income under $1,000 USD (Source: WorldData). At the time of this writing, 0.08 ETH is roughly $320, which is realistically cost prohibitive for many people when factored into monthly income comparisons. One of our missions with Women Tribe is to empower women around the world, but that means the initial pricing needs to be more accessible for all people to join.
NFTs are creating global change by uniting people from all cultures and backgrounds to drive forward common values and goals. They’re also creating unprecedented opportunities for wealth creation and financial independence that simply haven’t been seen before in many local economies.
We have high aspirations and goals for how to build and grow the Women Tribe community over the next few years. We know that building an organization in a sustainable way means ongoing operational costs and investments in our business. We can’t give away the Women Tribe NFTs for free if we want to build this into something that can help drive change in the world, but we hope that cutting the costs in half compared to most other collections will help make joining our community more accessible for all.
Please join our discord to be aboard on this journey and follow us on Twitter to help spread the world about our project and mission:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WomenTribe_nfts
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/womentribe.eth